What is Tasteville Earth?


Last Update hace 4 años

Tasteville Earth is a set of ethos that Tasteville is built on, from the very beginning.

We started out with the conviction that Tasteville and its community can do more to help all of us live sustainably - That we have in our power, ways and means to help Earth live longer. That is what Tasteville Earth is all about.

  • We got to our Tasteville Meals drawing board and started at the very beginning, - Tackling Food Waste - Helping you to use only the right amount of food that is needed by you.

  • Then we worked on how we use the ingredients - Tackling Ingredient Waste - Using all that can be used and should be used. Just like how our nannas and mums did.

  • Then we focussed on what happens after Tasteville Meals are consumed - Tackling Consumer Waste - Reducing what is sent to landfills as a result of our consumption at our end and yours.

We are here to do all we can, with Tasteville Earth.

If you have ideas and feedback on Tasteville Earth, chat with us or write to us, because, we believe, Together - You and Us - We can do even more.

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